Live Lively - Square Dance

Slide Show

The Worlds Largest Square Dance Organization

The Only National Dancer's Association Organized By Dancers For Dancers And Operated By Dancers



The Newsletter Of The Worlds Largest Square Dance Organization
With Circulation Around The World

USDA News is the National square dance Newsletter of the United Square Dancers Of America and is published quarterly. The newsletter is available free to all USDA Delegates and Affiliate Organizations Presidents and to all other known square dance Organization Presidents. USDA News also exchanges copies with any and all square dance publications.

Two Ways To Subscribe:


USDA NEWS is available by mailed subscription for $6.00 per year.
Click here then print the subscription form and mail it.


To receive an electronic version of USDA NEWS in Adobe pdf format via your E-Mail
click on Subscribe Now and enter your information.


You can always access the latest issue of the USDA Newsletter at:






January / March

January / March

January / March

January / March

January / March

April / June

April / June

April / June

April / June

April / June

July / September

July / September

July / September

July / September

40th Anniversary

October / December

October / December

October / December

October / December

Special Issue


July / September


October / December






January / March

January / March

January / March

35th Anniversary

25th Anniversary

April / June

April / June

April / June

Special Issue

Special Issue

July / September

July / September

July / September


October / December

October / December

October / December


To view & print Adobe Reader (pdf) files, Adobe Acrobat Reader is required - Download your Free copy now.

USDA News Publication Policy

USDA NEWS accepts ads and flyers in camera-ready form only and of the proper size. Proper size is 7 1/2 X 10 for a full size page or 7 1/2 x 5 for a half page. Ads should be submitted in digital form in .jpeg, .png, or .pdf formats.

Make check payable to United Square Dancers of America and mail to the editor.  Checks must be received within 7 days of receiving the digital ad file. Unpaid ads will not be printed.

Deadline Dates are one month before the issue date with issues published quarterly.

USDA NEWS has two editions; a printed edition and an on-line edition. The printed edition is a black and white copy except for the cover and the four center pages. The four center pages are available for purchase for your flyers and ads and are sold on a first-come basis. The on-line edition is a full color copy. When submitting copies for black and white advertising in the printed edition you can send a color copy for use. It will be printed in black and white, but the on-line copy will have it in color.

Your Check must accompany your flyer or ad. Make check payable to United Square Dancers of America and mail to the Editor.

Advertising rates are:



Black & White

1/2 Page



Full Page - 1 side



Full Page - 2 Sides



USDA News is published quarterly.

Deadline dates for material are March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.

The Editor reserves the right to condense, omit, or rewrite all or any part of the material received for publication.

USDA News is not copyrighted.  We welcome the reprinting of any material by USDA Affiliates, other organizations and publications, Credit line is appreciated.

News Editor

Art & Lilly Hardin
PO Box 4782
Dillon, Colorado 80435-4782





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