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The Worlds Largest Square Dance Organization

The Only National Dancer's Association Organized By Dancers For Dancers And Operated By Dancers


Saturday, March 9, 2024 Webinar Information


USDA'S Beyond the Dance Floor: The Wonderful World of USDA: The Benefits, The Programs, The Resources

Program Description:

The United Square Dancers of America (USDA) is the National Square Dancers’ Association and has been in existence for nearly 45 years. In addition to our national dancers’ insurance program, youth scholarship, and extensive presence at the annual National Square Dance Convention®, USDA offers a wealth of educational materials and resources available at no charge to anyone who shows and interest. Pamphlets and brochures, our monthly webinar series and so much more are available on our website, www.USDA.org. This webinar will give you a quick overview of all that USDA has to offer.


Sally Schmidt, USDA Information Chairman,

Sally, along with her husband LPaul, have been a part of the square dance community for more than 35 years. She has held leadership positions with her local clubs, the San Diego Square Dance Association, the California Council of Square Dancers, and the United Square Dancers of America. Together they have chaired major square dance events including the San Diego Fiesta de la Cuadrilla (3 separate years), the 2011 California State Square Dance Convention, and the 2022 USAWest Square Dance Convention. They currently hold the position of Information Officer & Sound Chairmen for the United Square Dancers of America. 


March 9, 2024


2:00 PM


1:00 PM


12:00 PM

Noon Mountain

11:00 AM


10:00 AM


9:00 AM


Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3109144310?pwd=d2plamhHd0lJVkRpWU9sWnBQNG80UT09
Meeting ID: 310 914 4310
Passcode: USDADance

Phone Only Access:
Dial by your location: 1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 310 914 4310
Passcode: 554513776

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kYgDG2qkj

Mark Your Calendar For Future Dates:

Saturday, April 20, 2024 - The Biggest Party of the Year: What's waiting for You at the 73rd National Square Dance Convention – Scott & Brenda Deal, Convention General Chairmen

For additional information please contact us at:

Bonnie Abramson - United Square Dancers of America
USDA Co-Social Media Director

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